A casino is a place where various gambling activities take place, such as poker, baccarat, blackjack and roulette. The word ‘casino’ is derived from the Latin word for “house” or “club”. While many casinos are lavish places that include restaurants, free drinks and stage shows, there have also been less extravagant establishments that simply house gaming activities.
The earliest known casinos date back to the 16th century. Although gambling may have predated this, with primitive protodice (cut knuckle bones) and even carved six-sided dice appearing in ancient archaeological sites [Source: Schwartz], the casino as a place where multiple types of gambling could be found under one roof probably did not develop until the gambling craze that swept Europe in that period. It probably spread from Italy, where rich nobles gathered in private clubs called ridotti to gamble and socialize; these were not bothered by authorities since gambling was legal at the time [Source: Schwartz].
Modern casinos offer a variety of games for players to choose from. The most popular of these games are slots and table games. Slot machines are the most profitable for the casino, generating a large percentage of total revenue. They are simple to operate and require no skill or strategy to play, merely the pressing of a button or pull of a handle. They work by rolling varying bands of colored shapes on reels (actual physical or video representations of them). When the right pattern is struck, a player wins a predetermined amount of money.